We offer an array of different gardens, each specifically designed to meet your needs.
This garden was a wedding gift for a couple in western NJ. They wanted something that would compliment their space, look neat, and give them plenty of summer vegetables to snack on.
We designed this garden for a family looking to introduce their young son to the wonders of gardening.
We designed this garden for the two young grandchildren of our client. She stated that she wanted as many colors as possible. We planted red, yellow, green, purple, and orange tomatoes, cucumbers, marigolds, basil, and yellow beans.
We designed these two garden carts for an older client who has been having a difficult time bending and wanted something that was more mobile. These carts were her solution!
We designed this garden to meet a clients preexisting garden space.
This garden was designed to fit into a tight space in a clients side yard.
We designed this garden cart to as mobile as possible. Our client wanted something that she could keep on her grass or on her patio.